You can find information here about visa types that are useful for immigrating family members.

Family unification is often seen as a viable option for those with relatives living in Australia. However, in reality, the chances of an Australian resident successfully helping a relative obtain a residence visa are quite slim.

Below, we list some of the most popular family visas:

Australian Partner Visa:

The Australian partner visa provides the possibility of residence for couples in a recognized relationship, where one partner has a residence visa or Australian citizenship.

If the Department of Immigration and Citizenship acknowledges the relationship, the non-Australian partner is granted a so-called temporary residence permit allowing them to work, study, and live in Australia. After two years, provided the relationship is still ongoing, the sponsored partner becomes eligible for a permanent Australian residence visa. It is important to note that the Department Immigration and Citizenship takes a liberal approach and recognizes same-sex relationships as well.

Australian Child Visa:

The Australian child visa offers residence to individuals under 26, provided one of their parents is an Australian citizen or has been granted permanent residence. The applicant must be financially dependent on the parent, registered as a student, and single.

Australian Parent Visa:

Many people wish to bring their parents to Australia, but this process can be either very time-consuming or quite expensive. If a direct descendant is an Australian citizen or has been granted permanent residence, they may sponsor their parents. There are two options to do that: the first involves placing the parents on a long waiting list (currently 20-25 years), or the other option is to pay a fee of approximately 70,000 AUD per parent to the Australian government, with only a portion of this amount being reimbursed over time.

In addition to the abovementioned visas, several other family-based residence visas exist, though few people meet their requirements. 

For further information, please contact our offices!