Taking a job in Australia

On this page we would like to provide some guidelines and help on how to take a job in Australia if you are already in the country.

We hope you have read the Student Work menu, so you already have a picture about how to get basic labours. This section is for those who have a strong command of English, great professional experience and are perhaps also highly qualified. These criteria will distinguish you from the so called student job seeking clients, and you will have a better chance to find a job meeting your qualifications and hopefully one with a higher salary.
Furthermore, we would also like help those clients who are planning to take jobs in Australia with a sponsored visa on the long term run.

So here you will find some useful information that is completely indispensable to find your first tailor-made job in Australia.
To avoid any misunderstanding, the information below will be useful for those who are already in Australia with a visa that enables them to legally work in the country.


The first and most important thing you need to have is a CV/Resume, which must be simple, clear, well-constructed and impressive, it has to meet the formalities of the Australian English language and general standards, and it should have your photo on it.

Your CV does NOT have to contain the following:

But it must contain:

Cover letter

If the employer finds interest in your CV, the next thing they are going to read about you is the so called cover letter, which contains your ambitions and motivations. It is a less fomal, more personal letter that provides an insight into certain details of your life. It will help your future employer to get to know you better and make sure that you are the most suitable candidate for the position. Basically, we can advise you not to write anything that is either not related to the job or too personal. On the other hand, you can include what type of visa you have and with what conditions. You can also write a few lines about the members of your family who live in Australia if it is a relevant information for the employer. You may also include that you are looking for a long term job and even looking for a sponsor.

References (from your previous employers)

Although we do not usually ask for references from our previous employers in Hungary, in Australia it will definitely increase your chances to get a job.
Your reference is usually a one page objective recommendation written by your employer, which contains:

All these will provide a more detailed and clear insight for your employer into the nature of the tasks you have done before, because as the Hungarian proverb goes: Messziről jött ember azt mond, amit akar. (A man who comes from afar tells us what he wants.)

You can ask for references from your previous employers (or write it yourself and have it signed by the employers). Obviously they should be written in English.

Finally, just like in Hungary, you can check job vacancies on major job advertising websites, where employers frequently publish their adds:

These guidelines are based on our personal experience, since we have been there, too. And when we were struggling to find a jod ourselves, we would have been very happy to have these fundamental and useful pieces of information.