
Kata Fodor and Adelaide

I met Edit and the CSE Australia team in 2017. At that time, all I knew for sure was that I wanted to go and see Australia. I was contemplating immigration, and I reckoned that if I liked the place, then I would be willing to settle down there too. I had no idea about the many pitfalls and hardships of getting a working visa. However, Edit answered all my questions in a fast and professional manner, and she honestly explained the amount of work and commitment this journey would require. Edit laid out the necessary steps for skilled migration and helped me all the way. After two years, I received my Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489). Now I’m on my way to become a permanent resident and eventually a citizen of Australia. I arrived in Adelaide 10 months ago, and I immediately fell in love with South Australia. I found my place in Adelaide quite quickly, and I love my life here. If you’re thinking about moving from Hungary to Australia, I can only recommend Edit and the CSE Australia team. They are the absolute best.
