
Tamas Unyatinszki

It was in 2009 when we were on the other side of the world for the first time. It took only for a second to fall in love with the country. It was so different to Europe so we decided to try to live here. Final decision was made in 2012 when we talked to Edith at Language Parade about our opportunities. Then we started in to do the visa process. After a 2-day-long conference held by Edith’s team we were assured that we will be in good hands. We tiptoed around the PR visa and calculated with our age, qualifications, practice and language skills. It was important to us to clarify the difficulties and be able to decide whether the long process is worth for us (or not). It was a really good choice to proceed this adventure. We have been enjoying hospitality, beach and sunny days of Brisbane since a year.
We suggest CSE Australia!
