
Nikolett Kincses

The team of CSE Australia wasn't completely unfamiliar to me, because my friend arrived in Sydney with their help one year ago. So I knew from sure source, that I was choosing the best agency. When the time came for me to travel, the first thing on my to do list was to contact them. A few days later I was sitting in the office explaining my wishes to Csaba and he told me my options.

And almost exatly one month later I was here. The administration was unbelievably quick and smooth. They did not dissappoint me one bit. There were no false advertisements and unrealistic promises on their website. When I turned to them with a question or a request they helped me at once both at home and here as well. It makes me feel safe, that this far away from my home there is still a team I can count on. I would like to thank Timi again for helping me so much.
